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Smith's Hill High School

Smith's Hill High School

Promoting excellence in a spirit of trust and cooperation

Telephone02 4229 4266

Relieving Principal's Message

SHHS captains

It appears I have the privilege of two opportunities to message you as Relieving Principal. Once again, this term presented many exciting opportunities for our students. We had organised some amazing events and projects, including sports competitions, da Vinci challenges, debating, excursions, a School Play, drama showcases and musical performance nights. Thank you to all staff and students involved in these extra-curricular opportunities – it is very much appreciated. Moving forward, I encourage each and every student to get involved and try something new. You never know where your passions may lie and what you may discover about yourself. Of course, the term culminated in what has long been an iconic event at Smith’s Hill HS – Soccer Day. The planning and organisation has occurred and lets now hope the weather gods played their part.  I am sure as you read this that it was bigger and better than ever. 

All the best of luck to our Year 12 HSC students who will sit for Trial HSC examinations of their subjects beginning in Week 3 of next term.  After some time for a break during the two week holiday, it is important some bespoke planning and preparation occurs for these examinations.  The Year 12 cohort are a fantastic group with bright futures, however, some students may feel an enormous amount of pressure about their Trial HSC examinations. Parents or carers play an important role in giving their children the confidence, support and stability to cope with their final exams. On the following link are some ideas for supporting them :

Our juniors this term were also heavily involved in their assessment schedule and will have received their reports today.  I trust that their ability to consistently chip away at these tasks has facilitated personal success, and in the process, has enabled healthy wellbeing.  It is important that all students get organised by planning how they will navigate through their workload and lives in the semester ahead.  This will always be assisted by talking to key people in their lives about their plan, including family members, teachers and specialised personnel.  Though, remember it's okay to struggle and face obstacles, and students and parents/carers should know that we have support systems in place here at the school. Please don't hesitate to reach out to teachers, counsellors, Year Advisers, Student Support Officers or other staff members if you need help. 

Finally, congratulations to staff, students and parents/carers on a great term.  I I would like to personally thanks all staff who work so tirelessly and expertly in making our school great.  Whilst I am happy to warm this Principal chair, Ms Kaiserfeld will be back as Relieving Principal next term.  All the best for a great holiday break – one that gives you an opportunity for rest, relaxation and a time to connect with family and friends engaging in activities that you find enjoyment in doing. 

Relieving Principal
Greg McKenzie