Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.
Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.
Science provides a way for students to answer interesting and important questions about the biological, chemical, physical and technological world. The study of Science is a collaborative, creative endeavour and provides explanations for a variety of phenomena and enables sense to be made of the natural world.
As students actively engage in the processes of Working Scientifically, they gain an increased appreciation and understanding of the importance of science in their own lives and society, locally and globally. Through questioning and seeking solutions to problems, students develop an understanding of the relationships between science and technology and its importance in the current and future practice of science.
At SHHS the Science Department strives to develop and deliver high quality, engaging programs that are relevant, challenging and provide opportunities for students to explore areas of their own interest beyond the classroom. The faculty also aims to make science fun and enjoyable.