The Parent portal – What is it?
The Parent Portal is part of the school's intranet and is where parents can access school-related information about their children.
Access is only available to parents of students from the start of their schooling at Smith's Hill High School. Each year parents of students starting year 7 will be sent an invitation in week 2, term 1 to join the portal, including a student key which is required for creation of the parent account. Please see instructions here.
The portal is cloud based and you can click here for the URL to create a new account. This link is also for the sign-in page.
While most browsers will work, the site is optimised for Google Chrome so the use of that browser is recommended.
The portal offers parents a number of online services, including access to their child's academic results and reports, attendance records and timetables. It's also used for making appointments with teachers on the occasion of parent-teacher interview evenings and for contacting them, in general.
Explanations for a child's absence from school (or lateness to school) can also be made through the portal.
Student Portal
To access the student portal click here
Students are reminded that when logging in to a school device from home, they need to enter their username as: username@detnsw