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Smith's Hill High School

Smith's Hill High School

Promoting excellence in a spirit of trust and cooperation

Telephone02 4229 4266

Year 7

Key Dates - Year 7 selective high schools entry in 2025

Applications for entry to selective high school placement in 2025 HAVE CLOSED (20 November 2023)

Selective High School Placement test will take place on 9 May 2024

Placement outcomes expected to be released -  August 2024

Applications for Year 7 open in Year 5 with testing undertaken in Year 6

Please refer all enquiries to the High Performing Students Unit:

Telephone:          1300 880 367
Fax:                      02 9626 8435

Application and enrolment process for Year 7

The application and testing process for students seeking enrolment into Year 7 at Selective Schools in NSW is centrally administered by the High Performing Students Unit of the Department of Education.

*Applications open early November and close mid February*

For detailed information on how to apply please refer to NSW Department of Education Selective High School and Opportunity classes site 

A selection committee convened by the High Performing Students Unit assesses the test results along with the academic information from primary schools to determine, in rank order:

    - the 120 students to be made an initial offer of enrolment in the Year 7 intake; and

    - additional students to be placed on the Reserve List.

The Reserve List remains active, and is used to fill any vacancies that may arise, until at least the end of Term 1, or until mid-June at the latest, when all reserve lists close and the Years 8 to 12 placement begins.

Our school cannot intervene in, nor alter the outcome of, the process for determining the initial offers or for filling Year 7 vacancies from the Reserve List. The High Performing Students Unit manages both processes and all enquiries should be directed to them.

More detailed information about selective high schools is available at:

Year 7 Enrolment Steps

1.  Placement outcomes are sent by the High Performing Students Unit to parents of students to receive first round offers.

2.  Parents respond directly to the High Performing Students Unit to accept (or decline) the offer of enrolment.

3.  The High Performing Students Unit provides the school with the details of all the students who have accepted the offer of
      enrolment at the school.

4.  An enrolment information package is sent to parents from Smith's Hill High School.

This information will include:

*    enrolment forms

*    transport details and application forms

*    uniform shop details and price list; student fees

*    details about the Year 7 Orientation Camp including fees and payment arrangements

*    an invitation to students to attend an Orientation Day during Term 4

*    an invitation to parents and students to attend an Information Evening during Term 4.

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