The Smith's Hill High School Student Representative Council provides an opportunity for students to participate in leadership activities and be able to provide a student voice for their respective year.
Four students from each of Years 7, 8 and 9 and six students from each of Year 10 and 11 are elected to represent their year. Year 11 are comprised of two School Captains, two Vice Captains and four senior representatives. All elections occur at the end of term two. Year 7 students are given the opportunity of settling in to high school during term one and two, experiencing events in the school and getting to know each other before joining the SRC in term three. Each student in Year 7 is invited to attend SRC meetings prior to elections. They then elect their representatives at the end of term two.
The SRC meets weekly with the SRC coordinator, Mrs McGavock. They work together to discuss student concerns, develop and work on projects, manage fundraising activities and may participate in outside school events. Being a member of the SRC provides students with opportunities to develop skills in leadership, teamwork, organisational, public speaking and communication skills.
SRC Anti Bullying Poster (pdf 2622 KB)