Smith's Hill High School

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Alumni Life - Gyan Wijekulasuriya 2016

yellow background with alumni life words

Gyan Wijekulasuriya moved to the Gold Coast after SHHS to complete a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science at Bond University - a recipient of ‘Vice Chancellor’s Elite Scholarship’.  Now working, he is also studying towards a Masters by Research. Initially Gyan wanted to be a physiotherapist but always enjoyed mentoring others, so when coaching presented itself as an option, he took it.

He says, “My favourite school subjects (Chemistry, Physics and PDHPE) helped the most, as they formed important foundations for the introductory health science subjects in uni. Surprisingly, the high-level math helped me with my research work, so there was a practical use for those skills after all!”

Gyan recalls highlights of his SHHS time including; Rock Eisteddfod where as a young Year 7 he was part of the ‘Nelson Mandela: Son of Africa’ production in 2011; Bush School in Year 10, sporting trips and participation in the cricket team under the coaching of DP Mr Rod Zabell.

His mischievous cohort had a “Celebration Week” in his last days of school, managing to play laser tag, slip and slide on the school oval, a movie night and a surprise navy helicopter landing on the oval.

Gyan is self employed: “I’m contracted as a casual employee with Bond University, so I teach whenever they need a tutor or laboratory assistant. I’m analysing physical testing data in my role as a strength and conditioning coach at Robina State High School to help coaches in their academy programs understand the physical development of athletes in their specific sport and work within Bond Sport as a strength and conditioning coach (Bond AFL) and sport scientist across their high-performance programs (Rugby, AFL, Swimming and Netball).”

Gyan attributes some of his success in his chosen field to internships.  “I enjoyed taking what I learnt in class and applying it in an internship context. In my field being able to translate what you learn about human performance into effective training sessions is the key to success therefore my internship experiences formed an important part of my skill development.”

“During my degree I worked in the Commonwealth Games Village in 2018 and assisting with several research projects with Paddle Australia and the Gold Coast Suns Academy which made me interested in doing research myself. For my Masters I conducted studies sponsored by the Queensland Academy of Sport, Triathlon Australia and Swimming Australia to help these organisations understand how the environment impacts elite athlete performance specifically in preparation for the recently completed Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.”

A typical workday for Gyan involves…”a quick breakfast then it’s off to coaching. If I don’t have any coaching or teaching before 8 a.m. I get a coffee at the beach. During the day I am either at my desk at the Bond Institute of Health and Sport reading and writing research articles or planning for my training sessions or I’m coaching at the Bond High Performance Training Centre or the school gym at Robina High School. After lunch its coaching or admin. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nights I train either the AFL men or women’s programs and during off season I play social netball on Monday nights.”

When asked about the aspects of his job he finds most challenging his response reminds me a lot of school teaching and I can fully identify with that….”Trying to individualise support for each athlete/student I work with, given the breadth of personalities, abilities and goals they have, takes a lot of concentration.”

The flip side is that he enjoys …”helping people get through a challenging time and then seeing them do things they never thought they could. Knowing you had a part in someone’s development and their success is what makes my job worthwhile.”

His future goals are candidly expressed and demonstrate how well Gyan suits his career choice, …” If I keep doing what I’m doing, I’d be pretty content. Remaining in the sport industry is difficult at the best of times so [potentially] having worked in sport for eight years is something I’d be proud to have achieved. Ideally, I’d like to be working in high performance sport for a national sporting organisation, professional team or state institute of sport.

I have worked with medalists from Tokyo 2020 and a number of players in the AFLW.  It’s very early in my career to be able to say this and I’m very grateful for the opportunities I’ve been afforded to be able to say that.”

Despite the challenges that 2020/2021 has served up due to Covid-19 Gyan has “recognised the benefit of being able to stop and smell the roses. The sport industry has been decimated so I’m very grateful that I have an income and the opportunities that I have. I also have been unable to see my family in Wollongong as much as I would have liked so I value my time in the region and with my parents and sisters more than I used to.

Gyan is a young man who enjoys the ongoing intellectual stimulation of work and study but he appreciates that balance in life is important, so he usually tries to get to music concerts and goes hiking when he needs some fresh air, along with catching the odd AFL game in his area.

When asked, ‘What Smith’s Hill HS did for you than perhaps any other school could not?’ he responded with…“The most important thing it gave me is a belief that I could make things happen if I work hard enough. I think graduates of Smith’s Hill are always hopeful and fight for whatever cause they believe in. The way the school allows students to express themselves and engages with student voice is something that I’ve come to realise is unique and something I’m grateful to have been part of.”

And given the opportunity to reflect on the advice he’d have for himself at age 17/18 he says… “Stop trying to do everything at once, take the time to enjoy what you’re doing and the people around you. There will be plenty of time for doing stuff later.”

Gyan’s attitude to learning and his role in the future is inspiring and he encourages Smithshillians to persevere with their learning … “If you can’t see something that you think is important in this world, either be it, do it or make it. We spend plenty of time lamenting things that are missing, I think the world would be a better place if we spent that time making the world we want to come into existence. It’s not easy, it’s not immediately rewarding and sometimes it’s downright depressing. But if you stick at it long enough it will come together, often in ways you never imagined.”

Those are good ideas ex-students often have in common. These marvelous young people have made the most of their education with the help of Smith’s Hill High School, its teachers, curriculum and positive learning environment. Gyan in particular stood out at school for his commitment to learning and school culture, serving on the SRC from Year 8 onwards, becoming school captain in his final year.

He has made a heartfelt acknowledgement of how the late Ms Sue Jones-Sweeting mentored the SRC with such passion, providing excellent support to develop leadership skills: “She was incredibly patient, kind and nurturing in how she mentored the SRC and we valued that immensely as students.”

These leadership skills, Gyan’s involvement in SRC and extra-curricular activities went towards the gaining of the Bond University scholarship where “students are selected on the basis of exceptional academic achievement, proven leadership ability and personal character. They have been identified by their teachers and peers for their commitment to their community and their willingness to help and inspire others.” (From the Bond University website) 

Whether as a self-employed coach or academic, Gyan is benefitting many others through his high achievement. We wish him all the best for the future.

Sharon Mearing-Visual Arts teacher (retired)