On Saturday 17 June, 21 Year 12 Chemistry students went to the University of Wollongong to take part in the 2023 NSW Schools Titration
Competition; organised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).
Titration is used in Chemistry as a quantitative technique to determine the unknown concentration of an acid sample, using a standard/known solution of base; or vice versa.
All Smith’s Hill High School teams did an excellent job in representing their school. Special mention must go to the team of Aditya Kumaresan, Taemin Kim and Jaquiline Jogen who took second place. The team of Angus Kiang, Rachel Zhao and Jae Young Lim also received a merit/special mention for their high level of accuracy.
Thank you to all the students who entered and practiced in the lead up to the event. Congratulations on a job well done!
Ms Rayment
Science Teacher|Year 11 Adviser
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