31 Oct 2018

Term 4 has commenced with the success of our Tournament of Minds Language / Literature team at the international finals held in Darwin. Our school has had a long and successful association with the Tournament of Minds program that provides students with opportunities to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaborative enterprise, excellence and teamwork. It was an exciting and rewarding experience for all of the students involved and we would like to thank Mr Cutler for his ongoing commitment and the valuable support he provides students through this wonderful program.
Our HSC examinations have begun and will continue until Friday 9 November. We wish all of our HSC students the very best with their examinations and look forward to celebrating their successes with them when HSC results are released on Thursday 13 December. On Friday 14 December, students will be issued with their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) by the Universities Admission Centre.
The Comedy Review held recently, was a great success with many students (and some staff) showcasing their astute wit and entertaining performance skills. Congratulations to all of the students for the effort that they all put in to produce such a wonderful show. A big thank you to Mr Reveleigh for his commitment, passion and enthusiasm in supporting students through such a valuable experience.
In staffing news, there has been a change within the leadership of the Science Faculty. Mr David Fellows has taken a position as Head Teacher Science/Mathematics at Junee High School. Although only with us for a relatively short period of time, Mr Fellows has made significant contributions and a positive difference to our school and for our students. We wish him all the very best in his new position. Mr Andrew Smith has now been appointed as the Head Teacher Science, creating a Head Teacher Administration vacancy. This position has been advertised and applications will close on Wednesday 31 October.
Our School Expo on Monday 22 October showcased our school through interactive displays, mini performances and provided opportunities for visitors to meet with our students and staff. Our strong focus on supporting students in achieving their very best academically is equally as important as developing the skills that students need to be successful in any future career path they choose. The positive, polite and confident manner in which our students communicate and interact with visitors to the school has contributed to the high regard in which our students are held in the wider community. Our School Expo was also timed to coincide with the period of time in which current Year 5 students can register for the Year 7 2020 intake/selection process. Online registrations opened on Tuesday 9 October and close on Monday 12 November 2018.